Water and heat exchanges in mammalian lungs.
B. Haut, C. Karamaoun, B. Mauroy, B. Sobac. Scientific Reports, 13, 6636, 2023.
Propagation of an idealized infection in an airway tree, consequences of the inflammation on the oxygen transfer to blood.
F. Noël, B. Mauroy.
Journal of Theoretical Biology, vol. 561, p. 111405, 2023.
Beneficial short-term effect of autogenic drainage on peripheral resistance in childhood cystic fibrosis disease.
P. Bokov, M. Gerardin, G. Brialix, E. Da Costa Noble, R. Juif, A. V. Foucher, L. Le Clainche, V. Houdouin, B. Mauroy, C. Delclaux. BMC Pulmonary Medicine, 241, vol. 22, 2022.
Pulmonary infection characteristics leading to respiratory failure, a modelling approach.
B. Mauroy, F. Noël, ERS 2022,
to appear in European Respiratory Journal, sept. 2022.
Modélisation mathématique de l'écoulement du mucus bronchique : Apports pour la kinésithérapie
C. Fausser, J.C. Jeulin, B. Mauroy, D. Pelca, JRKR, 2022.
Mathematical modeling of the flow of the bronchial mucus.
B. Mauroy, to appear in Acta Physiologica, 2022.
Influence of lung physical properties on its flow--volume curves using a detailed multi-scale mathematical model of the lung.
R. Di Dio, M. Brunengo, B. Mauroy. Proceeding of Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering 2022 (CMBE22).
Is airway damage during physical exercise related to airway dehydration? Inputs from a computational model.
C. Karamaoun, G. Blain, B. Haut, A. Bernard, F. Daussin, J. Dekerle, V. Bougault*, B. Mauroy*. To appear in Journal of Applied Physiology, 2022 (* These authors contributed equally to this work).
Optimal efficiency of high frequency chest wall oscillations and links with resistance and compliance in a model of the lung.
M. Brunengo, B. R. Mitchell, A. Nicolini, B. Rousselet, B. Mauroy.
Physics of Fluids, 33, 121909, 2021.
The origin of the allometric scaling of lung ventilation in mammals.
F. Noël, C. Karamaoun, J.A. Dempsey, B. Mauroy.
Recommended by PCI Math. Comp. Biol., 2021.
Spirometry-based airways disease simulation and recognition using Machine Learning approaches.
R. Di Dio, A. Galligo, A. Mantzaflaris, B. Mauroy.
LNCS – Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2021.
Wall shear stress distribution in a compliant airway tree.
J. Stephano, B. Mauroy. Physics of Fluids (33) 031907, 2021.
Modélisation de l’interaction air/mucus dans l’arbre bronchique. Volume pulmonaire vs débit d’air: contraintes de cisaillement dans l’arbre bronchique.
J.C. Jeulin, C. Fausser, D. Pelca, B. Mauroy. Kinésithérapie, la Revue, (20) 228, 2020.
Interplay between optimal ventilation and gas transport in a model of the human lung.
F. Noël and B. Mauroy,
Frontiers in Physiology (10) 488, 2019.
Lung volume VS air flow: a match for shear stresses distribution in the bronchial tree, J. St ́ephano and B.Mauroy, Madrid, European Respiratory Journal, 2019.
Modelling surface tension effects on mucus transport.
B. Mauroy and H. Kumar,
European Respiratory Society, Madrid, Spain, 2019.
Modeling shear stress distribution in a deformable airway tree.
J. Stephano and B. Mauroy,
proceeding of Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics, 2019.
Geometrical shape optimization in Fluid Mechanics using Freefem++
Charles Dapogny, Pascal Frey, Florian Omnès and Yannick Privat. To appear in Struct. Multidiscip. Optim.
New Insights into the Mechanisms Controlling the Bronchial Mucus Balance.
C. Karamaoun; B. Sobac; B. Mauroy; A. Van Muylem; B. Haut, PloSOne, 2018
Modeling and optimization of hourglass-shaped aquaporins Matthieu Bonnivard
Florian Omnès and Yannick Privat. Math. Models Methods Applied Sci 28(8), 2018
Models in chest physiotherapy
Kinesither Rev 18(196), 2018.
Interaction air /mucus
Jeulin jc, Fausser C, Pelca D, , 11èmes JRKR , Paris, 2018
Modélisation du poumon
Fête de la science, Nice, 2017.
Numerical model of air-mucus interactions in a bronchus.
ERS 2017, Milan, Italy, 2017