My research aims at understanding how oxygen and carbon dioxide are transported and exchanged in mammals through mathematical and numerical modelling. I am looking for the underlying optimizations induced by evolution and constraints induced by physiology, such as developmental ones. My goal is to figure out how they affect the properties of the lungs, of the air/blood exchange surface and of the vascular network, with a specific focus on the geometries of these organs.
More generally, my work aims to understand the role of physics on living systems, such as the role of fluids’ viscosity. My work involves deep interdisciplinary approaches and is based on the interplays between Mathematics, Biology, Medicine and Physics. I am developing mathematical and numerical models, with a multi-scale approach: from the organ size (such as bronchi) towards the cell (such as red blood cells). I study the robustness of the optimal strategies using population dynamics models and dynamic systems theory in the frame of Darwinian medicine. I also use and adapt these models for the study of the biophysics of the respiratory system in a medical frame, and more particularly in the frame of chest physiotherapy (see VirtualChest project).
I am also promoting mathematics for the study of respiration through modelling tools by heading and developing the Center for VirtuAl moDelling of rEspiration – VADER Center – in the frame of Université Côte d’Azur.
My research is based on partial derivative equations, their properties (fluid mechanics, fluid-structure interaction, reaction-diffusion), optimization theory, dynamical systems and scientific computing.